• Redgate Sql Search Not Working

    Redgate Sql Search Not Working

    I'm running Search in SSMS 17.3 (14.0.17199.0) on Windows 10 and am consistently getting false results. Results that don't have the string I'm looking for, results that match on text but not columns, and missing results.

    Below are examples of what I mean. Searching for a column named IsConfidential gives me results which clearly don't have anything remotely connected with the column, matching on both column and text: Here is an example which is partially correct, matching on text, but ought to have a companion entry matching on column too. Finally, if I check the 'Exact Match' box, I no longer see many of the objects which I ought to see. I have same version - and have same problems as described by Jason. SQL Search has been totally unreliable for long time now and is causing huge risk in our everyday work. I use it every day and it very often does not provide the matching results in search, even though it should. Further, often it omits to search in some databases, and there is no error message whatsoever.

    This page explains how to search for objects using SQL Search, how to narrow the scope of a search, and what search syntax is supported. Opening SQL Search. Redgate toolbar, enable it by right-clicking in the toolbar area and clicking Red Gate. You can't use% or AND/OR/NOT (see Advanced search syntax below).

    Even if you mark a specific database, when search is finished it might select another, or in worst case, all databases selected, but results are not coming. We have to switch to another tool if fixing the Search Tool errors are not taken seriously. Same here, currently using version, but I'm getting mad of SQL Search not working properly for the last month or so. I have to re-index all the time, which it takes about 30 secs in my case, just to get accurate results for 1 or 2 searches, and incorrect searches after this. It's driving me mad, and starting to get dangerous for the quality of my work. I there anywhere I can download an older stable version?

    I'm proud use of many Red Gate products. I know this one is free, but it's essential for many of us, and I would even happily pay for it. Please take it seriously. Hi, thank you all the above individuals who have taken the time to create and update this forum post.

    We are investigating the problem, the bug report reference is SDI-727. This new bug report, is related to SDI-726 (see earlier update from RobC), but SDI-726 is regarding the text string entered, ending with the full stop / period character as per the example earlier in the thread: Change search text from clr.Concatenate(v to clr.Concatenate(v. The search results disappear.

    The problem with inaccurate or false search results being reported are with text strings that do not end with the full stop / period character. I will update this forum post, when I have further information. Many Thanks Eddie. My attempt to use version 2.4 did not work. I installed it, but then it updated automatically without prompting me to do so. So I'm back on and facing the same problem.

    In my case, the problem is that that after a few searches, the index is somehow lost. Previous versions kept the index continuously updated and very rarely I had to reindex, only to find newly created objects.

    With this version, objects are randomly lost in the index, and I have to force reindex almost before every search. Can someone else confirm this same pattern? Before SQL Search, I used a little proc to search my code.not nearly as slick or in depth, but I've been going to back to it lately-ya'll are welcome to it. (You'll need a tally or numbers table.) CREATE PROCEDURE admin.pFindStringInCode @StringToFind nvarchar(50) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT s.name AS SchemaName, o.name AS ObjectName, CAST(DENSERANK OVER (ORDER BY s.Name, o.Name) AS varchar) + '.'

    + CAST(ROWNUMBER OVER (PARTITION BY s.Name, o.Name ORDER BY s.Name, o.Name) AS varchar) AS Instance, '.' +SUBSTRING(m.definition, CHARINDEX(@StringToFind, m.definition, n.Number), 100)+'.' AS Snippet FROM sys.sqlmodules AS m JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.objectid = m.objectid JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON o.schemaid = s.schemaid CROSS JOIN admin.tblNumbers AS n WHERE n.Number. As per my post of the 4th January: To help me and my colleagues Would you please increase the minimum logging level (SQL Search Help menu -Logging -Minimum log levels:) and set the logging level to verbose.

    Reproduce the steps to recreate the problem. When you have recreated the problem, locate the current log file and please either send an email to referencing this forum post with a copy of the log file attached for me to review? Or private message me through this forum post. Many Thanks Eddie.

    We have experienced issues with SQL Search where it returns false data. We have tried re-indexing, upgrading to version and going to the C drive 'C: Users AppData Local Red Gate' and deleting the 'SQL Search' folder. None of these items have fixed the issue. I have stopped using the SQL Search because it is so unreliable.

    I have had 2 instances of SSMS open and did the same search in each instance of 'SQL Search' in which different results were returned. Also, SQL Search sometimes returns items that do not contain the item that I am searching on. 'SQL Search' has been a valuable tool in our company and we do purchase some products from Redgate.

    We hope to see a resolution on this item soon. Let me know if we can help. I have been having the same issue for some time now, where SQL Search either gives no results, even though i can plainly see the object in the object browser, or gives random bogus results that have no mention of the search term, Some times opening and closing SQL Search fixes it, sometimes giving it a kick to re-index will work, but never works first go and seems almost rare that it works on a retry. Have just installed 3.0.4 from the link above and now getting Add-in errors, resulting in SQL Source Control disappearing from SSMS for me. Wow - this is a nightmare i've entered now. Following the forum post to try and get all my toolbelt back but it's not playing ball at all. Fingers crossed i don't lose Tab History during all this.

    So after all that, i've followed the above fix which has given me back my add-ins, so now back on SQL Search 3.0.7 which doesn't work.

    Redgate Sql Search Not Working